From the archives...
The spur I need
I’ve been struggling to get to grips with writing my third novel, tentatively called Pets Aplenty. While on my last cruise speaking engagement, there was the chance to get some writing done.
It was one morning when I had started a conversation between Beryl the receptionist and Paul Mitchell the vet – it was taking place in the back garden of Prospect House which is used for
exercising dogs and can get a bit smelly – that an email arrived from a lady in New York.
Here it is:
“Dear Dr.Welshman.
Thank you for the wonderful hours I’ve spent reading PETS IN A PICKLE
I have recommended them to all of my pet-loving friends who have also found them to be bright spots in their days. Will there be additional sequels??
And, if so, how soon can we look forward to them?
Nan Seefeldt Nyack, New York.”
If ever there is an incentive to complete the third book, this is it. Thank you Nan.
Then, today I see on that the Kindle version of PETS IN A PICKLE is:
– Number One on the bestseller list for Books – Humour – Cats, Dogs & Animals
– Number One on the bestseller list for Books – Humour – Collections & Anthologies
So what am I waiting for? Get cracking Malcolm.